Creating Server Usage Reports

This interface produces reports on LISTSERV activities and resource usage, including delivery, bounce, anti-virus and anti-spam statistics. There are three main steps to creating a report:

  • Click on "Customize Report" and select the columns of information about LISTSERV activities and resources.
  • Select the time period from which the report data is extracted. By default, the last 12 months are shown.
  • Click "Update" to run and display the report.

Report Column Selection

To select the columns for your report, click on "Customize Report" and check one or more boxes under "Report Columns", and then click the "Update" button to display the relevant information. To check all boxes, click on "Check All". To clear all the report definition selections, click on "Uncheck All".

There are a number of items that can be reported, depending on which of the checkboxes are selected. Each column heading in the report is clickable and will sort the column in ascending or descending order. A small arrow pointing up or down will appear indicating the order.

The filter row allows you to narrow the data that is displayed in the table. Operators such as = < > are all supported. For example, if you only want to see months with more than 1000 postings, type >1000 in the appropriate filter box.

Postings: Check this box to report on the total number of postings to mailing lists during the report period.

Recipients: Check this box to report on the total number of unique list email messages sent from lists to their recipients during the report period. (This counts only those subscribers who are set to MAIL. DIGEST and INDEX subscribers are counted separately.)

Digests Issued: Check this box to report on the total number of list digests sent out during the report period.

Digest Recipients: Check this box to report on the total number of unique list digest messages sent from lists to their recipients during the report period.

Indexes Issued: Check this box to report on the total number of list indexes sent out during the report period.

Index Recipients: Check this box to report on the total number of unique list index messages sent from lists to their recipients during the report period.

DISTRIBUTE Jobs: Check this box to report on the total number of DISTRIBUTE jobs processed during the period.

Bandwidth Usage: Check this box to report on the total bandwidth used by LISTSERV during the period, in megabytes.

Bounces Received: Check this box to report on the total number of bounced email messages received by LISTSERV during the period.

Non-Standard Bounces: Check this box to report on the total number of bounced email messages received by LISTSERV during the period which, due to being in non-standard format, could not be processed through the auto-delete feature.

Bounces Detected: Check this box to report on the total number of bounced email messages received by LISTSERV during the period which were detected and handled by the auto-delete feature.

Probes: Check this box to report on the total number of probe messages sent out during the period.

Infected Messages Stopped: Check this box to report on the number of infected messages stopped. For each virus detected, this counter increases by the number of outbound copies of the virus that LISTSERV was about to send when the virus was stopped.

Virus Scan Operations: Check this box to report on the total number of virus scan operations performed on incoming mail during the reporting period.

Viruses Found: Check this box to report on the total number of viruses found by LISTSERV during the reporting period.

Spam Messages Stopped: Check this box to report on the number of spam messages stopped. For each spam message detected, this counter increases by the number of outbound copies of the spam message that LISTSERV was about to send when the spam was stopped.

Spam Scan Operations: Check this box to report on the total number of spam scan operations performed on incoming mail during the reporting period.

Spam Detected: Check this box to report on the total number of spam messages found by LISTSERV during the reporting period.

Start Date

Select the start year and month for the report.

End Date

Select the end year and month for the report.


The report can extrapolate current-month statistics, making an estimate of statistics for the whole month based on the statistics known for the month to date. Check the box to enable this setting. Uncheck the box to disable this setting.

Report Format

This pulldown menu controls how to display the server usage statistics. You can choose to view the data in a table or as a variety of charts, including bar charts, line charts and a radar chart. You can also download the data as a CSV file. To change the report format, simply select one of the options in the menu and click "Update". Note that the same sort order and any filters also apply to the graphical charts and the CSV file.

Lines per Page

This parameter controls how many months of statistics will be displayed on a single page of results. If you want to break the results into pages of 10 months, for example, type 10 in the box and click "Update". The default is 50.

LISTSERV® is L-Soft's email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. Visit the LISTSERV® Resource Center for more complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.